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那是一九七零年,我才七岁,读一年级。只是一把吉他和好嗓子,就可以感受到灵魂的震撼,这就是Mary Travers 和Peter and Paul的魅力。要感谢科技的发展,我今天才有机会从听他们的歌曲。Peter Paul and Mary,我学吉他的时候的英雄,简单的吉他和玄,美妙的和音,再也没有人会忘记他们。未来也还会有新歌迷加入的,因为科技,他们得以永生。Their music also brought them five Grammys, 13 Top-40 hits (six of them in the Top 10), and eight gold and five platinum albums.

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生于1945年二月六号,瘁于1981年五月十一日。他的乐队,The Wailer,风格为ska和raggae。来自牙买加(写到这里,刚刚喝完我的茶,买时他们说是大红袍,但我想应该不是,只是我喜欢这个味道,管他是不是。)他说: "I don't have prejudice against meself. My father was a white and my mother was black. Them call me half-caste or whatever. Me don't dip on nobody's side. Me don't dip on the black man's side nor the white man's side. Me dip on God's side, the one who create me and cause me to come from black and white." ~我不歧视自己,我爸爸是白人妈妈是黑人,他们喊我半调种姓或是什么的。我可不着边,不着黑人一边也不着白人边。俺选神地那一边,那个促使我来自黑又白的造俺 地神。他十四岁就辍学投入音乐创作。

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